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+97 14 252 2164

Head Office :

# GE - 6, Al Owais Business Tower
Air Port Road, Dubai, UAE

The Value of Our Services

In today’s competitive and complex world, it is very important for an enterprise to know and understand the market and financial feasibility of a proposed project before funds are invested.

Our experienced team maintains a database of macro economic and industry statistics which enables us to provide potential investors and lenders with an insight into how a project can be expected to perform in the existing and forecast economic environment Our reports include detailed financial projections and assumptions based on in-depth market demand and supply surveys.

An analysis and evaluation of a proposed project to determine if it

1. technically feasible,

2. feasible within the estimated cost, and

3. will be profitable.

Feasibility studies are almost always conducted where large sums are at stake. We provide financial feasibility analysis.In case of a new project, financial viability can be judged on the following parameters:
Total estimated cost of the project.

  • Financing of the project in terms of its capital structure, debt to equity ratio and promoter’s share of total cost.
  • Existing investment by the promoter in any other business.
  • Projected cash flow and profitability.

The financial viability of a project should provide the following information.
Full details of the assets to be financed and how liquid those assets are.

  • Rate of conversion to cash-liquidity (i.e. how easily can the various assets be converted to cash?).
  • Project’s funding potential and repayment terms.
  • Sensitivity in the repayments capability to the following factors: Time delays.
    • Mild slowing of sales.
    • Acute reduction/slowing of sales.
    • Small increase in cost.
    • Large increase in cost.
    • Adverse economic conditions.

Due diligence is an investigation of a business or person prior to signing a contract, or an act …. as merger and acquisition partners in foreign countries could lead to doing business with an organization linked … Due diligence is also used in criminal law to describe the scope of the duty of a prosecutor, to take efforts to turn …

A merger or an acquisition can be a traumatic and time consuming project for any management team, whether it be identifying or understanding the target, structuring or negotiating the deal, reviewing the documentation or assessing an appropriate price.

We have a senior team of professionals experienced in corporate transactions some of whom have been In the UAE for over 25 years and have extensive contacts in the field of acquisitions and mergers and are therefore in a position to source potential targets. When, when combined with related services of due diligence, financial projection preparation, business valuation, corporate structuring and fund raising, this can provide a powerful “full-service” merger and acquisition package.

With increased corporate activity in the private sector, the need for a valuation of a private company is increasing at a rapid pace. The art of the valuer is therefore called upon more frequently as the number and value of corporate transactions increases.

Acquiring another company, taking a majority or minority stake in a company providing comfort to lenders on security values and shareholder exit all require that a view on a business or share value must be taken in order to arrive at an informed decision. Our extensive experience, covering a wide range of industries, in valuing businesses and shares, puts us in an ideal position to undertake your business or share valuation. We select the appropriate methodology depending on the circumstances and provide a reasoned and logical approach to arriving at our opinion.


A comprehensive and integrated exit plan empowers you as a business owner. The same is true for a buyer or investor looking to acquire a company or business: plan the work, work the plan.
It gives you the crucial information you need to make the best decisions and the tools to maximize proceeds of selling or value for money when investing.

A comprehensive and integrated exit plan empowers you as a business owner. The same is true for a buyer or investor looking to acquire a company or business: plan the work, work the plan.
It gives you the crucial information you need to make the best decisions and the tools to maximize proceeds of selling or value for money when investing.

Apex Auditing firm


Entry Plan

When considering an entry in a new market, or an expansion or diversification of existing activities, a buyer or investor has several options to pursue their goals. The acquisition of an existing company is but one of these options, Other entry options are:

  • Growing internally;
  • Starting the activities from scratch;
  • Looking for a merger;
  • Looking for a joint-venture;
  • Looking for a partner, cooperation (license) agreement;
  • Participating in an existing company;
  • Taking over an existing company;

Our reports and analysis will give you the desired leverage and strengthen your position while negotiating a transaction. You can evaluate various business opportunities and compare the options in the market under competitive conditions. Connecor not only estimates the value of businesses, we also know where to find interested parties. Moreover, we can handle initial potential buyer interviews, discussions and negotiations with prospective buyers, facilitate the progress of due diligence, and generally assist with the business sale and transfer processes. Together with financial and legal experts, we will develop a tailor-made solution to ensure the transaction is carried out in the most tax efficient manner. We will draw up the necessary contracts and protect all parties involved against unforeseen events, future claims and contingencies.


After the of hard work growing your business it is of the utmost importance to avoid mistakes when selling your business. Remarkably, many former business owners report they regretted that the sale of their business did not achieve their personal or business objectives. Research shows that former business owners admit they did not understand all of their options, were unable to make informed decisions, and did not know where to turn for advice and correct information. Common mistakes include:

  • Not knowing when to exit their business
  • Being reactive rather than proactive
  • Missed strategic opportunities
  • Not knowing the value of their companies
  • Not knowing where and how to find successors or buyers
  • Paying too much in taxes when selling their companies

A well-developed exit strategy shows you, as a business owner, how to maximize the value of your business and minimize taxes. It also ensures that you will achieve all your personal and financial objectives in the process. Connecor helps business owners define and implement exit strategies. A well written exit strategy is a comprehensive road map that enables business owners to successfully exit a privately held business. The exit strategy asks and answers all the critical questions that business owners and their advisory must consider when the time has come for them to leave a company. An exit from a business can mean the following:

  • Succession by a family member;
  • Contract new management;
  • Looking at a management buy-in (MBI);
  • Looking at a management buy-out (MBO);
  • A merger with a competitor, supplier or client;
  • Selling the company;
  • Selling the assets;
  • Liquidation of the company;

We make the transfer of ownership as smooth as possible and allow current and future owners to focus on the business itself, by overseeing all the necessary steps to realize the chosen exit route.

Other Management Consultancy

Our team of professionally qualified consultants has experience in preparing complex and detailed financial projections and is best placed to validate models used in financial transactions. They bring with them extensive spreadsheet modeling capabilities and commercial knowledge, allowing them to identify errors and provide constructive solutions.


Whether raising finance, tempting potential buyers or evaluating an acquisition, a key aspect is the expected performance of the business. Those preparing financial projections can be tempted to overstate whilst those receiving them can be skeptical.


Detailed and often complicated financial projections prepared by promoters or corporates seeking funds or by equity houses or lenders investing in a deal are prone to arithmetical inaccuracies, errors in employing assumptions or mistakes in inserting formulae in a worksheet. This could potentially lead to inaccurate, or worse, wrong financial projections and expected results, jeopardizing a potential transaction.


The buoyant regional economies, considerable global interest in the region and maturing and consolidation of local businesses has resulted in increased M&A and private equity activity in the region. This has led to creation of business combinations, whether by acquisition of shares, net assets or collections of assets.

Our Management Consulting team has extensive experience of the identification and measurement of intangible assets, contingent liabilities and onerous contracts acquired in a business combination. Our involvement provides third parties with assurance that the process has been rigorously conducted and is free from management bias.

Over time as businesses develop, grow and diversify, the capital or corporate structures that are developed along the way are often those most easily done at the time and are then rarely re-examined at a later date.

Our relationships with clients are ones of understanding their long-term objectives. Consequently,
critically examining a capital or corporate structure can be a crucial element in streamlining a group in order that it can reach “to the next level”. Our knowledge of local, free zone and offshore jurisdiction company laws enables us to provide clear solutions to corporate structuring issues that support and lend strength to client long-term goals.

Do you have any questions about Company Formation?
Don't hesitate to ask! We are here to help you out